Doing business in France

Business France is the primary platform to provide tools and information products and communication solutions about France and that puts companies in contact with commercial partners in the markets they target in order to encourage the creation of business trends for SMEs and mid-tier companies and contribute to their sustainable presence in the export market.

Indo-French Chamber of Commerce: Set up in 1977, IFCCI is a not for profit bilateral business Chamber which fosters and promotes mutually beneficial relations between India and France through channels of trade and industry.

The Chamber has four offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore, and over 550 members comprising leading French and Indian companies.

MEDEF is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. Over 95% of the businesses belonging to the MEDEF are SMEs. The MEDEF places job creation and sustainable growth at the heart of its action. It promotes entrepreneurship and defends free enterprise. The MEDEF maintains a dialogue with all the actors of civil society and, with the various decision-makers, works towards achieving a better understanding of the constraints and the strengths of businesses.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-India (Neuilly-sur-Seine)  is a chamber of Indian firms based in France and French firms having interests in India. Based in the Paris Region, it has 500 members. It does advocacy work for promotion of India-France commercial relations and has partnership agreements with CII & FICCI.


Agreement on Social Security between India & France- The bilateral social security agreement signed on 30 September, 2008 between India and France has been ratified by both countries and has come into effect from 1st July 2011.  The agreement will protect the interests of expatriate workers and the companies on a reciprocal basis.  It helps workers by (i) providing for exemption from social security contribution in case of short-term contracts;  (ii) exportability of pension in case of relocation to the home country or any third country; and (iii) totalisation of the contribution periods. The agreement will strengthen economic relations between the two countries and will encourage bilateral investments.  It will be beneficial for companies, as exemption from social security contribution towards old age and disability pension in respect of their employees will reduce costs and will make companies more competitive.  However, contributions for other aspects of social security in both countries including medical insurance, accident etc., will continue. 

For Indian employees coming to France, please consult:

 For French employees going to India, please consult:

Additional information available at:

Further references:

Customs / Regulations 

French customs: (FR) 
Newsletter: (FR) 
(Latest News on the home page) 

French customs (Professionals - International Trade) : (FR) (Information on: Exchanges within the European Union / Import & Export / Logistics & Freight Transit / International trade treaties / Products subject to specific regulations & Embargos)  

French regulation (Public Service – Professionals): (FR) (Information on: Creation – Cessation [Auto-entrepreneur, Formalities, Business, Modification, Takeover…] / Management - Finance [Billing, Public procurement, Commercial lease, Financing, Accounting, Bankruptcy filing,…] / Taxation [Micro-enterprise, VAT, Taxes - Contributions, Tax credits, Local taxes,…] / Human resources [Hiring, Contracts, Social declarations, Dismissal,…] / Sale - Trade [Sale, Price, Catering, Import - export, Disputes, Online sales,…] / Sectors [Tourism, Construction, Agriculture, Trucks, Taxi, Publishing, Artists, Security,…] 
(Newsletter & Latest News on the home page) 

European Commission (Taxation and Customs Union - Business): (Information on: Customs Procedures for import & export / Calculation of custom duties / Union Customs code / Customs controls / International affairs / VAT / Company taxation / Excise duties / Legislation / Tenders and grants) 

European Commission (Customs):  
European Commission (Taxation):  


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